Use of Numbers and Place Value |
Intro to rounding numbers |
Adding 2 digit numbers, adding multiples of ten |
Money coin values |
Time Intro to analog clocks |
Calendar Hours, weeks, days, months |
Multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers with 1 digit |
Intro squares, cubes |
Patterns with multiples of 10, 100, 1000 |
Multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers |
Dividing with a number line |
Division relative to multiplication |
Intro Long Division |
Model division with remainders |
Two digit quotients |
Division Facts |
Multiply by 10 and in any order |
Bar graphs, tally graphs, pictographs, line plots/graphs |
Intro probability and outcomes |
Two digit quotients |
Multiplication patterns |
Multiply 2-digit with 2-digit, 3-digit |
Multiplication/division charts |
Division facts intro |
Critical thinking previous topics |
Fractions and regions |
Fractional parts of a group |
Fravtions in Simplest form |
Compare and order fractions |
Intro Venn Diagrams |
Intro Model equivalent fractions |
Mixed numbers |
Add and subtract fractions with like denominators |